With the release of Valorant by Riot Games, Valorant has gained popularity all over the world. You can assume it by knowing that Valorant has more than 15 million active subscribers per month. Due to its popularity, many users have questions about Valorant such as Is Valorant cross platform? or Is Valorant coming to console?
So we deep dive into the game and started our investigation to find whether Riot games have any plans for Valorant to launch it on Xbox one and PlayStation. So, we have some good news about it and some bad. so let’s start with the bad news first. To be very clear as of now, Valorant is not cross platform game which means you cant play valorant on Xbox one as well as on PlayStation.
So, I hope you now have clarification about your question about whether Is Valorant cross platform? Valorant is not cross platform game as of now, which doesn’t mean that it will never be available on Xbox One and PlayStation.
Is Valorant coming to console?
Now, if you are asking will valorant coming to consoles, the straightforward answer to the question is most likely Valorant is coming to consoles such as Xbox One, Playstation, and Nintendo, and even on mobile and Crossplay could happen sooner than we think Now, you must be thinking how could you say that? Recently, various jobs have been posted on the Riot Games website regarding senior console developers as well as senior console designers, which is an indication that Riot games planning to bring Valorant on Cross platform so that you can play with your Windows, Xbox as well with play station. So, the clear answer is yes, valorant coming to console soon.
Is Valorant Cross Regional?
Now, I hope till now we have cleared the query of your question: Is valorant cross platform? Now the next thing is, Is valorant cross region? which means can we play Valorant worldwide with different countries? So, if I say technically it is playable cross-region but you need to use a good VPN to play Valorant cross-region because, with your internet connection, Riot games have locked the capability of Valorant crossplay and you can’t play with other countries’ players.
So, to play Valorant with other countries’ users, you can use any Good VPN service, connect your system with VPN after creating an account, and then you can play within that country after creating a new account with Riot Games.
Is Valorant Mobile Cross-Platform?
Now we know that currently, Valorant is not available on Xbox and Playstation but Riot Games have hired developers to develop the game for consoles also. Another question that comes to mind is Valorant mobile cross-platform. Riot Games hasn’t cleared anything yet regarding the mobile version of valorant, but when seen over their job website Valorant mobile is in developing mode if we believe the rumors on Twitter.
So, as of writing this article, Valorant mobile is not yet available and so does Valorant mobile is not a cross-Platform game.
Is Valorant Available on Mobile?
Well, as we have already said that Valorant is not a cross platform game as of today, so it is not available on mobile phones also. But that doesn’t mean that Valorant will not be available on mobile.
If we believe with the leaks, we get to know that the mobile version of Valorant beta is already in the works and soon it will be available with the invite system. The below image clearly shows the invite system of Valorant on a mobile platform.

So, now I hope everything is clear to you if you are asking about the question of Is Valorant cross platform? Currently, Valorant is not available on Xbox One and PlayStation as its only available on Windows only, however, Riot Games have hired console designers and developers to develop the Valorant for consoles to make Valorant crossplay worldwide but it is not clear when the cross platform version of Valorant will be released until the official announcement from Riot Games. As of today the date of writing this article, Valorant is not available for Xbox One, and PlayStation and Riot Games is working to launch the beta version of Valorant for mobiles anytime soon in 2023.